Isha Yoga Studio Zurich & Basel

ISHA Yoga Studio in Zurich, Basel 🇨🇭

Beginner and Advanced level programs in English and German

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Surya Kriya

A potent yogic practice,  a holistic process for health, wellness, and inner well-being

isha yoga zurich switzerland yogasanas


Learn a set of postures to balance and transform body and mind

isha yoga zurich switzerland angamardana


A fitness system rooted in yoga to invigorate the body and reach peak physical and mental health

isha yoga bhuta shuddhi practice page, yogaagma yoga teacher doing the practice

Bhuta Shuddhi

Initiation into a powerful elemental cleanse practice

isha yoga zurich switzerland upa yoga

Upa Yoga

A simple yet powerful system of exercise that activates the joints, muscles, and energy system.

isha yoga zurich switzerland childrens yoga

Children’s Yoga

simple yoga for each child to develop and live in optimal health

Welcome to Yogaagma ~ Isha Yoga Studio In Zurich

Yogaagma began in 2017 after a 6 month & 1700+ hour yoga teacher training at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, India. This was a magical experience and the beginning of my journey into teaching Classical Hatha yoga and Kriya yoga practices as taught by Sadhguru. 

We are the only Isha Yoga Studio in Zurich that offers classes for beginners and advanced. Yoga is for everyone, of any age, of any level of fitness. The studio located in Kloten is the perfect environment to experience the depths of Yoga and has been the start point of many beautiful journeys in Yoga. We teach Yoga, Meditation, and offer advice on yogic diet and approach to nutrition and also how to upgrade your lifestyle with the wisdom of yogic science.

Children’s Yoga Programs

Yoga Classes to help your little ones become more happy and joyful, increase their focus and above all make them capable and conscious to take on the world.

Additional Practices

Bhastrika Kriya  |   Shanmukhi Kriya  | Eye care Practices  |  Jala Neti  |  Online Yoga Programs

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Yogi, Mystic and a Visionary

A man whose passion spills into everything he encounters. Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, Sadhguru’s work has touched the lives of millions worldwide through his transformational programs. Sadhguru has a unique ability to make the ancient yogic sciences relevant to contemporary minds, acting as a bridge to the deeper dimensions of life. His approach does not ascribe to any belief system, but offers methods for self-transformation that are both proven and powerful.


“Are you are looking for an authentic teacher that is kind hearted and yet very talented at conveying what is needed at the right pace and and intensity so that you will be challenged and yet not overwhelmed?
Well, then you have found her in Karuneshwari, as I did in my Bhuta Shuddhi practice. Her sincerity and honesty is shining right through her, very contagious indeed”

isha yoga studio zurich review


“Karuneshwari is a wonderful teacher. I could feel her commitment to an authentic teaching of Isha Yoga practices from the very beginning. Whether you already are an experienced Yoga practitioner or a complete beginner, or struggle to get things right at all, she addresses every student’s ability on eye level, making her classes a personal experience. I felt right at home with her, had lots of fun and we could laugh about what we were doing”


“Karuneshwari ist eine hervorragende Yoga Lehrerin! Ich habe einige Kurse bei ihr besucht und bin jedes Mal begeistert.
Neben ihrer feurigen, motivierenden und temperamentvollen Art, durch welche eine sehr starke Energie im Raum ist, ist sie zudem glasklar in ihren Erklärungen und Anweisungen wodurch man in kürzester Zeit extrem viel lernt. Man spürt absolut, dass Karuneshwari das lebt was sie lehrt”

isha hatha yoga program



Isha Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher

Isha Certified

Hatha Yoga Teacher

+41 78 225 25 35

Zurich, Switzerland & Europe

Zurich, Switzerland

& Europe

Isha hatha yoga school

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