Yogaagma Blog – Meditation


Stories of Yoga and Life from an Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher living in Zürich, Switzerland

If you would have asked me about meditation in the year 2014, I would have been clueless, I was always wondering how people just sit and are able to quiet their mind. This was my far-reaching perception or conclusion about meditation back then.

Only after I started with my Isha practices in the year 2015 for the very first time I had a glimpse of what meditation really is. Not only did my illusions of Mediation change but I experienced a whole new dimension within myself. It was like I opened a new door to make friends with my higher Inner self, and every time it was like our friendship grew deeper, stronger and magical. And now we are best buddies.

I can now literally be anywhere in any circumstances and all I have to do is sit down and close my eyes to reach that deep dimension within myself and be with this friend however long I wish to be. 

This connection to a higher level of consciousness helped me to see through the materialistic way of living and gave me a new sense of clarity and perception which gave a new meaning to my life all together.

I am indebted to my Eternal Father Sadhguru for appearing in my life, holding my hand and being ever present in this walk of life. 

This was my very simple narrated experience of Mediation for everyone who thinks of Meditation as a fanciful experience. Yes it is ONE for sure, but not the way you think or maybe imagine it to be, it’s more subtle, more basic and more simple.

Keeping myself aside started with Isha…

Isha yoga meditation, sadhguru

“People try to create an outwardly perfect life, but the quality of life is based on the inward.

Sadhguru jaggi vasudev isha foundation

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ~ Isha Foundation

At Yogaagma we teach Isha Hatha yoga workshops and yoga classes in Zürich & Basel

To learn more about the practices we teach, click here.

The practices are designed by Sadhguru and are suitable for beginners and advanced. Yoga is for everyone, of any age, of any level of fitness. We teach Yoga, Meditation, and offer advice on yogic diet and approach to nutrition and also how to upgrade your lifestyle with the wisdom of yogic science.

Isha hatha yoga school

Karuneshwari – Isha Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher – +41 78 225 25 35 – Zurich, Basel & Switzerland

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